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Join Us

Our network is made up of a number of groups who are working on a particular issue or “patch”. They are supported by a facilitator and project staff who work on landscape scale projects or initiatives that align with our vision and mission and support our groups.

Membership types

WULN offers two types of membership Groups or Associate Members (detailed below). If you are an individual then you can join a group. For more information go to our groups page.


Groups can be incorporated or unincorporated or may have another legal structure associated with a not for profit organisation. WULN member groups, through nominated representatives, provide purpose, leadership, direction and strategy for the organisation. The application of that strategic direction is the responsibility of the WULN Committee of Management, who work closely with the Facilitator. Each group has voting rights through a nominated representative.

Associate Members

These are groups who are members of the Wodonga Urban Landcare Network but do not have voting rights. Our associate members include Schools (who may or may not have a Junior Landcare program), service clubs and businesses.

Groups and associate members share the values, vision and mission of Wodonga Urban Landcare Network.

Membership benefits

Whether you’d like to become a member as an individual and get active with an existing group, or start something new, we can help.

We welcome membership enquiries seeking an umbrella under which to operate legally and safely on a variety of land tenures and in accordance with our vision and mission.

Contact us if you’d like to chat about individual or group membership.

Benefits of being a WULN member:

We support groups with accessing relevant and affordable insurance including Public Liability, Personal Accident (volunteer) insurance and Associations Liability insurance.

We help your group develop a plan and support you to find resources, grow your volunteer members and start new projects which inspire the community.

We provide policy and procedures to support safe volunteering and we negotiate operational protocols with Wodonga Council when working on their land.

We support small groups with developing grant writing skills and other training opportunities, managing finances, administration, planning and project management and evaluation and reporting.

We support groups by providing access to shared equipment.

We help you promote, manage and record the success of your activities and events through our bulletin, website and social media platforms.

We provide or source technical advice for projects and can help you implement best practice.

We connect our groups through regular gatherings and events, allowing you to network and share information with like minded people.

We know there is strength in numbers in terms of developing partnerships, seeking funding for projects, bulk purchasing opportunities, lobbying and taking concerted action on issues important to the community.
Together, we implement an interagency and community driven landscape scale approach to environmental education and restoration in Wodonga..

Join Now

Our volunteers choose to join a group (not the Network). Some groups accept their memberships directly and WULN manages others.

To join or to get involved with the following groups please contact them directly:

To join all other groups or renew your membership, please fill in the individual membership form below.

Each membership registration covers one household – either an individual or several members. Please list each name to be included when completing your membership form.

Membership is $20.00 (inc GST) per household annually (1 July – 30 June)

This form needs to be completed each year if you wish to continue your membership. Payment details are noted on the form. On processing of your registration and payment, your membership will be confirmed by email.

Start your own group

We welcome new groups whose purpose aligns with the vision, mission and Rules of the Wodonga Urban Landcare Network.

Your group might be patch based working in and around where you live or you might want to establish a group to deal with a specific environmental issue. New groups are expected to act in good faith in the best interests of the Wodonga Urban Landcare Network and with reasonable care and diligence for their own safety and that of others.

If you would like to discuss the development of a new group get in touch with the WULN Facilitator or submit the form below and we will be in touch.