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Other projects

Victorian Landcare Grant activities

In 2020 WULN received $20,000 from the Victorian Government’s Landcare program through the North East Catchment Management Authority. The project is managed by WULN and provided for community planting events organised by member groups and PPE/equipment purchases managed by the WULN Equipment working group. Also through this funding, Project Officer Lizette Salmon delivered G4W events
and Karen Retra delivered training events for schools and WULN members.

Community Impact Grant activities

Wodonga Council’s Community Impact grants program aims to empower community organisations and individuals to grow ideas in an innovative and creative way, as well as looking to improve the city.

WULN projects funded by the 2020-21 grant round include on-ground improvements to park amenity, habitat restoration and beautification, interpretive signage, community engagement events and community education to encourage responsible cat ownership.

The progress of these various projects is evident in parks and reserves throughout Wodonga.