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Invitation: Wodonga 2050 – WULN’s vision

Wednesday 29th May 2024
10.30am-12.30pm OR 6-8pm, Hyphen Library Gallery

Under the Local Government Act, the council must develop a community vision and long-term planning documents to support the vision. Council are developing a new Wodonga 2050 vision to replace the Wodonga 2033 vision first developed in 2008 and updated and reviewed in 2015 and 2021.

The community vision is a community-led and informed document that outlines our aspirations for the future of the city.

WULN is holding two community conversations to enable WULN members to become active participants in crafting the future of our city.
Participating is simple and your voice is crucial. These conversation sessions will:

✅ Shape the future of our community by envisioning the future we want for ourselves and for future generations;
✅ Strengthen community bonds and collaboration by identifying our community’s strengths and assets;
✅ Ensure your voice is heard and valued as you identify challenges or concerns;
✅ Contribute to a more vibrant, inclusive, and resilient community; and,
✅ Leave a legacy for generations to come by contributing to clear goals and priorities for our community’s growth and development.

Join us at Hyphen Wodonga for WULN’s community conversation which will be documented and submitted to Council’s planning process.

Light refreshments will be provided.

RSVP Click the button below for online registration, by 27 May.